GRACE HO P h o t o g r a p h y
Aish Baladi, Egypt
When I travelled to Egypt in year 2016, I was fascinating to know that bread is starting from Egypt since 5000 years back. Therefore I decided to capture these unique bread culture of Egyptians and revisit Egypt again in November 2018.
Egyptians call their traditional bread as “Aish Baladi”, means authentic life. When people walk down in Egypt, they will find many "Aish Baladi" factories; bread sellers are found within a few hundred feet across cities, towns and villages.
For bread is sold to the rich and poor throughout the day.
"Aish Baladi" is considered a hot commodity in Egypt. One of the regular important daily activities for Egyptians is to purchase bread. Everyday, men, women and children will queue up and wait at the bread factories just to buy stacks or bundles of "Aish Baladi" flat bread to take home. People can see these unique scenes of long lines for purchasing bread and stacks of bread being carried everywhere in Egypt due to the unique staple of "Aish Baladi" in Egyptians diet since more than 5000 years back.
Egyptians may not care about politics, economy or other life topics, but they care about and would not leave "Aish Baladi" out of their daily lives.
*This series of photos has won SpotLight Award of Black & White Magazine Portfolio Contest 2019 and published in Dodho Magazine